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The Electronic Sub-offices of the PortalFunction and the Transparency Portal ...









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發表於 2023-11-29 17:22:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
ctronic offices, as electronic addresses available to citizens through telecommunications networks, whose ownership corresponds to a Public Administration, are created by Order. The electronic headquarters of the General Access Point of the General State Administration (hereinafter PAG) was created by Order HAP/1949/2014, of October 13, and is configured as a general entry point for citizens to the Public Administrations, via Internet. The purpose of this order is the creation of two electronic sub-headquarters, the sub-headquarters of the Function portal and the sub-headquarters of the Transparency Portal, as headquarters derived from the General Access Point of the General Administration of the State. Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, establishes the obligation of public employees to interact through electronic means with Public Administrations for the procedures and actions they carry out with them due to their status as personnel at the service of the General State Administration (hereinafter AGE).

In line with this provision, and within the scope of the powers developed by the General Directorate of Public Function, it is considered necessary that all these personnel can, electronically, consult information recorded in the Central Personnel Registry, or go to the Integrated System  WhatsApp Number List of Personnel Management to obtain services on social action, training, travel plans, administrative situations, compatibilities, or appointments, among others. In this context, there is already an effective channel of interaction and dissemination that facilitates access to these services, which is the Function Portal. This is made up of a main space that offers information and services of interest, as well as a site for secure access to personal information and horizontal personnel management services. However, the PortalFunctions has been providing its services through the SARA Network, so it has been accessible only from positions located in the Administration's facilities or with an authorized connection to said network.

This condition prevents access by State Administration personnel, regardless of their administrative situation, from locations and devices external to the Administration. This is the case of personnel in situations of active duty, leave of absence, sick leave or retirement, personnel of public organizations or companies that do not have a connection to the SARA Network, as well as those who, for security reasons, may have connectivity restrictions. . The possibility of accessing the Portal Operación through the Internet, with the creation of the sub-headquarters, will allow access to the information and services described from any location and device, and this is one of the main objectives of this order. On the other hand, Royal Decree 1208/2018, of September 28, which approves the Regulation that develops the preliminary titles, II and III of Law 3/2015, of March 30, regulating the exercise of the senior official of the General Administration of the State, by establishing provisions for the records of activities, assets and property rights of senior officials, authorizes the implementation of electronic procedures for those people who must interact with the Office of Conflicts of Interest. This electronic access will also be possible through the sub-office that is created..


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